Thursday, October 4, 2012

OUR TOWN Q&A with Michael Edmund

We are chatting with cast and crew on OUR TOWN, running Oct. 17-27.  Get your tickets now and for more about the show, visit

OUR TOWN Q&A with Michael Edmund (playing Mr. Webb--editor of the local paper)

I've loved OUR TOWN since I was 13, when I saw a Broadway production with Henry Fonda as the character of the Stage Manager.  I don't remember who played George or Emily, but I do remember the actress who played Mrs. Soames.  It was Margaret Hamilton, who played The Wicked Witch of the West in THE WIZARD OF OZ.

1. Of all the occupations in Grover's Corners, which would you most like to attempt?

Being an editor of a small town paper (happily, that's my role).

2. You're sitting at Mr. Morgan's drugstore counter.  What would you order for an old-time-y treat?

A hot fudge and black cherry sundae.  (Haven't had one since I was a kid.)

3. What question would you like an audience member to ask Editor Webb about Grover's Corners?

What did Editor Webb mean when he said, "All men vote at age 21; women vote... indirect"?  What does he mean by "indirect"?

1 comment:

  1. This Editor Webb is played a bit darker than others. He seems friendly enough on the surface, but he's protective. When he says to belligerent the man in the audience "The diligent and sensible rise to the top and the lazy and quarrelsome sink to the bottom," he makes it personal, implying that he can leave if he doesn't like it. The wedding morning breakfast is not just a fatherly chat; it's more like a test, to see if George is good enough for Emily.

    A superior performance.

    Has a real audience member ever asked a question to Editor Webb?
