Tuesday, April 7, 2015

A Lipman E-mails Another Lipman: Collaboration Ensues

It all started in May of 2014.  I was acting in the TIC-devised piece Buffalo Heights, which was going really well.  It was going so well that I wanted to jump in and create another new piece.

As I was running my lines in my apartment on the UWS, I looked over at the bookshelf and saw my favorite novel, The Inn at Lake Devine, by Elinor Lipman, beckoning to me.

I should also say my late mother had planted a seed in my head, years ago, that we were related to Ms. Elinor Lipman.  Call it chutzpah.  I sent a fan girl, long-lost cousin e-mail through her website that very day, asking if The Inn had ever been turned into a play, and if not, if a conversation could be had about adapting it.  I expected some publicist to reply weeks later, but mere minutes later, I heard back from Elinor Lipman Herself.  Wow.

She was incredibly gracious from the outset, and encouraging.  Let's meet for a drink, she said.  I live in NYC also.  Wow wow wow.

We met, and a couple of glasses of champagne later, I was the proud owner of an autographed book from my favorite novelist, and that same novelist had put me in touch with her fancy agents at William Morris Endeavor.  Sadly, we soon established we were not related.  Nope.  Not at all.  But I didn't care.  My mother's chutzpah had emboldened me to reach out and now I was in talks to adapt this story I love into a play.  HOLY COW.

In the months since, Elinor has been an incredible collaborator.  We've met to tweak dialogue, share more bubbly, and she's come to see me in another play.  She's hard at work on her latest novel and jet sets around the world to promote her other works, and yet continues to make time for me.

On April 23 at 7 pm at Shetler Studios, we're presenting a staged reading of the work-in-progress, and I'd love for you to join us.  E-mail info@tictheater.com to reserve your free seat.

And we'd love to have you see the fully-staged run this October at Theatre 54 in midtown NYC.

More here: http://www.tictheater.com/innatlakedevine.html

From left-to-right: Elinor and Jake, both Lipmans.