Monday, September 24, 2012

OUR TOWN Q&A with Brad Widener

Over the coming weeks, we're blogging about the talented team assembled for OUR TOWN, running Oct. 17-27. Get your tickets now and for more about the show, visit

OUR TOWN Q&A with Brad Widener (playing assorted characters--townspeople)

1. Of the four kids in the play, who do you resemble and why?  (Emily, Wally, George, or Rebecca?)

Of all four kids in OUR TOWN, I like to think I most resemble Rebecca.  I read her as a big dreamer in a small town who has ideas of grandeur, and that was definitely my life as a kid growing up in Pennsylvania.

2. What question would you like an audience member to ask Editor Webb about Grover's Corners?

I feel like I'm obligated to answer this question as my character actually does ask Editor Webb a question about the lack of "ambition," if you will, to close the economic gap between the rich and poor in town.  However, if Brad were asking a question, that would be a different story.  I would probably ask how the citizens of Grover's Corners would react if they knew that gay marriage would be legal in New Hampshire, their home state, in about a century.

3. What birthday would you most like to re-live, and why?

If I could relive any birthday, I would relive whichever birthday it was when I had a Power Rangers-themed party.  I must have been 4 or 5 years old, and I was such a Power Rangers fanatic.  I had two full costumes from the show (the red and white ranger... I was big stuff!), and I must have been the happiest little boy that day, running around karate-chopping thin air for my parents and family.

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